The Infect-ERA ERA-NET management structure is composed of 5 interacting entities:
(1) The Network Steering Committee(NSC) is constituted of representatives of each funding agency. The NSC has the overall responsibility of monitoring and assessing the work performed and reviewing the objectives. It is the ultimate decision-making body on all major issues occurring during the course of the project.
(2) The Coordinator is the authorized central contact person for the European Commission and will ensure the implementation of the project, the communication with other European initiatives as well as the reporting to the commission. He/she will be supported by a Joint Secretariat (JS), which consists of an additional scientific officer and a financial/administrative officer. This coordinating activity will be established at the ANR.
(3) The Executive Board, composed of the leaders of each Work Package (WP) and the Coordinator,is the general executive body of the consortium. It oversees the timely execution of all WPs and reports to the NSC.
(4) The External Advisory Board (EAB) is nominated and appointed by the NSC to support in planning strategic research issues and in optimizing Infect-ERA activities. The EAB will be comprised of at least one leading scientist / researcher from each participating country, and a clinician, or a public health expert, or a representative from pharmaceutical / biotechnological companies, or a Technology Transfer officer, or an Ethics representative.