Research funding
- FIPSE: Foundation for HIV research and prevention
- Ministry of education (MED)
- Ministry of health, social service and equality (MSC)
- National research council (CSIC)
- Marcelino Botin Foundation
- Ramon Areces Foundation
- BBVA Foundation
- Alfonso Marin Escudero Foundation
- Medical university mutua madrilena
- Caja Madrid Foundation
- Lilly Foundation
Non-research opportunities
- REIPI: network on infectious diseases research
- RICET: network on tropical diseases research
- SEIMC: Spanish Society of clinical microbiology and infectious diseases for annual calls for training and mobility
- SEISIDA: interdisciplinary society for AIDS
Funding for young scientists
- ISCIII for annual predoctoral and junior postdoctoral fellowhips for researchers in all fields of expertise in health
- MINECO - National programme of mobility and human resources