Looking for infrastructures
This webpage contains information on >600 infrastructures located in Europe that can be useful for researchers working in the field of human infectious diseases. To establish this database, the infrastructure definition used was that adopted by the ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures), i.e.:
The term "Research Infrastructures" (RI) refers to facilities, resources and related services used by the scientific community to conduct top-level research (...). Examples include singular large-scale research installations, collections, special habitats, libraries, databases, biological archives, clean rooms, integrated arrays of small research installations, high-capacity/high speed communication networks, highly distributed capacity and capability computing facilities, data infrastructure, research vessels (...), networks of computing facilities, as well as infrastructural centres of competence which provide a service for the wider research community based on an assembly of techniques and know-how. RIs may be ‘single-sited’ (a single resource at a single location), ‘distributed’ (a network of distributed resources), or ‘virtual’ (the service is provided electronically).
Please note that if you want to add an infrastructure or update the current information, you can contact us at infect-eracoord@agencerecherche.fr.
Please note that an inventory of openly accessible RI in Europe of more-than-national relevance across all scientific domains is available on the portal of MERIL (Mapping of the European Research Infrastructure Landscape).
The database has been updated on December 2016.