Eva Rajnavölgyi
Eva Rajnavölgyi
University of Debrecen
98 Nagyerdei Blv
H-4032 Debrecen
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Other research topics:
Mikrobiota, human dendritic cell and T-cell
Other methods/technologies:
Functional characterization of human cell types at gene, protein and functional level
Suggestions for potential research cooperations:
Interaction of gut microbiota with human dendritic cells and T-lymphocates
The role of RIG-I helicases in anti-viral defense and their collaboration with cytosolic pattern recognition receptors
Any further information you consider relevant:
PI in the FP7 Marie-Curie Cross-Talk project (2009-2013)
PI in the FP7 TORNADO project (2009-2014)
Your research topics:
interactions host-pathogen
Organism studied by your group:
Special methods/technologies:
Molecular Biology