Guenter Roth
Guenter Roth
University Freiburg, ZBSA
Habsburgerstrasse 49
79104 Freiburg
GermanyPhone number:
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Other research topics:
cell-free protein expression to synthesize on demand from DNA according proteins, either in soluation or in a microarray manner, enabling us to determine kinetik constants, like kd, k-on, k-off to characterize molecular interactions.
Other organisms:
any species the partner can provide according cDNA. You have the DNA, we look for the protein and characterize it
Other methods/technologies:
My group develops microarray copying technology, aiming for copying DNA out of a sequencing chip (see We work on expanding this to copy protein out of sequencing chips.
- labelfree binding analysis (iRIFS, looks like biacore but doesn't need a gold surface and does not use SRP, but same binding curve results and works on glass slides, cheaper and fine for fluorescence counterstaining, if some additional tests are needed)
Suggestions for potential research cooperations:
As our microarray copying is aiming for a screening and evaluation tool, I am looking for partners, which like
- to derive biomarkers for infection or different timepoints of infections
- to screen known proteins against unknown but via transcriptome or genetic analysis derived potential interaction partners
- to generate DNA microarrays from sequencing chips from large scale interaction analysis or screening
- to generate protein microarrays from DNA microarrays for medium scale (some hundred) interaction analysis or screening
- have a given panel of proteins/DNA and like to characterize the interactions or find/validate new binding partners
Any further information you consider relevant:
I am by education biochemist and physicist (each with diploma), PhD. in biochemsitry with solid phase synthesis of screening libraries and lead now my own funded group which develops "microarray copying". The vision is to copy any DNA microarray or sequencing chip into DNA, RNA or protein microarrays. The copying is made with well known biochemistry. DNA with DNA polymerase, RNA with RNA polymerase and proteins with cell free expression mixes (see RTS from Quiagen or IVT from Thermo). This copying is combined with a label free binding detection technique (iRIfS) enabling us to see the microarray copy as well as have a look directly after the copying, which spot of the copy is interacting.
I now look for partners to apply it to generate DNA or protein microarrays preverably, and have a faster and more binding results than in classic setups.
I also have partners for generating proteins with artificial amino acids, as well for MS analysis (eg. 13C amin acids) as also side chain or chemical modified aas (like side chain biotinylated lysine) for protein recovery or to synthesize potential inhibitory/activating proteins due to the artificial incorporated aas.
Your are welcome to ask, if interested for further cooperations.
Your research topics:
interactions host-pathogen
interactions pathogen-pathogen
Organism studied by your group:
Special methods/technologies: