Iype Joseph
Iype Joseph
Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology
Thycaud Post,
Trivandrum Kerala 695014
IndiaUrl of your web site:
Other research topics:
Epidemiology of Leptospirosis, designing community level prevention methods through investigating transmission channels. Currently engaged in detecting the variety of serovars commonly found in Kerala, India among rodents, domestic animals and human & animal patients.
Other organisms:
Pathogenic Leptospira
Other methods/technologies:
Field sampling, culture and genetic identification.
Suggestions for potential research cooperations:
I wish to enlarge the scope of the basic epidemiology and bacteriology work by incorporating the principles of mathematical and statistical modelling. Understanding the mathematics of transmission dynamics and application of network epidemiology are the areas where I am looking for collaboration.Linking social, environmental, demographic and climatic data into the model is an added area.
Any further information you consider relevant:
The field studies are in very early stages.
Your research topics:
Organism studied by your group: