Jonathan Gomez-Raja
Jonathan Gomez-Raja
FundeSalud, Government of Extremadura
Pio Baroja 10
06800 Merida Badajoz
SpainPhone number:
Url of your web site:
Suggestions for potential research cooperations:
FundeSalud, Spain, is a nonprofit government-dependent Foundation that involves the whole Healthcare system in Extremadura (Spanish autonomous region). FundeSalud both manages and coordinates all the biomedical research programs that takes place in the region. University of Extremadura (UEx) and Servicio Extremeño de salud (SES) support these programs by providing researchers, staff and facilities. Main facilities involves
microbiology services in all the hospitals of the region (14 centers) and Research Support Services (RSS) including molecular biology, citometry, confocal microscopy and massive sequencing (NGS) facilities.
Any further information you consider relevant:
The Extremadurean Regional Ministry of Health and Sociosanitary Policy (GOBEX/CSPSS) is a public institution (part of the Regional Government of Extremadura, Spain) that manages the services for Healthcare (SES; Regional Healthcare System) and Elderly and Dependency care (SEPAD; sociosanitary field) in the autonomous region of Extremadura (Spain). Extremadura Healthcare Service (SES) is the Healthcare System in Extremadura that involves 14 hospitals with around 3000 beds, 113 Community Health Centers, 420 Primary care Centers and over 18000 professionals. SES is managed by a powerful Healthcare Information System (JARA) that provides 100% electronic prescription and an integrated medical record (primary and specialized care). In addition, SES is very active in developing different tele-care and mHealth programs in order to cover all the population in Extremadura (over a million of people), which is very aged and dispersed.
Your research topics:
antimicrobial resistance
interactions host-pathogen
Organism studied by your group:
Special methods/technologies:
Molecular Biology