Juan Anguita
Juan Anguita
Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia
Bldg. 801A, Proteomics 2
48160 Derio BI
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Representative publications:
N. Ramamoorthi, S. Narasimhan, U. Pal, F. Bao, X.F. Yang, D. Fish, J. Anguita, M.V. Norgard, F.S. Kantor, J.F. Anderson, R.A. Koski, E. Fikrig. 2005. The Lyme disease agent exploits a tick protein to infect the mammalian host. Nature. 436:573-577.
R. Garg, I.J. Juncadella, N. Ramamoorthi, Ashish, S.K. Ananthanarayanan, V. Thomas, M. Rincón, J.K. Krueger, E. Fikrig, C.M. Yengo, J. Anguita. 2006. Cutting Edge: CD4 is the receptor for the tick saliva immunosuppressor, Salp15. The Journal of Immunology. 177:6579-6583.
C.M. Olson, M.N. Hedrick, H. Izadi, T.C. Bates, E.R. Olivera, J. Anguita. 2007. p38 MAP kinase controls NF-kB transcriptional activation and TNFa production through RelA phosphorylation mediated by MSK1 in response to Borrelia burgdorferi antigens. Infection and Immunity. 75:270-277.
C.M. Olson, T.C. Bates, H. Izadi, J.D. Radolf, S.A. Huber, J. Boyson, J. Anguita. 2009. Local production of Interferon gamma by invariant natural killer T cells modulates acute Lyme carditis. The Journal of Immunology. 182:3728-3734.
J. Dai, P. Wang, S. Adusumilli, C.J. Booth, S. Narasimhan, J. Anguita, E. Fikrig. 2009. Antibodies against a tick protein, Salp15, protect mice from the Lyme disease agent. Cell Host & Microbe. 6:482-492.
K.L. Hawley, C.M. Olson, Jr., N. Navasa, J.M. Iglesias-Pedraz, J.L. Cervantes, M.J. Caimano, H. Izadi, R. Ingalls, U. Pal, J.C. Salazar, J.D. Radolf, J. Anguita. 2012. CD14 Cooperates with Complement Receptor 3 to Mediate MyD88-Independent Phagocytosis of Borrelia burgdorferi. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 109:1228-1232.
K. Hawley, N. Navasa, C.M. Olson, Jr., T.C. Bates, R. Garg, M.N. Hedrick, D. Conze, M. Rincon, J. Anguita. 2012. Macrophage p38 MAP Kinase Activity Regulates iNKT Cell Responses During Infection with Borrelia burgdorferi. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 206:283-291.
K. Hatle, P. Gummadidala, N. Navasa, E. Bernardo, J. Dodge, B. Silverstrim, K. Fortner, E. Burg, B. Surat, J. Hammer, M. Radermacher, D.J. Taatjes, T. Thornton, J. Anguita, M. Rincon. 2013. MCJ/DnaJC15, an endogenous mitochondrial repressor of the respiratory chain that controls metabolic alterations. Mollecular and Cellular Biology. 33:2302-2314.
K.L. Hawley, I. Martín-Ruiz, J.M. Iglesias-Pedraz, B. Berwin, J. Anguita. 2013. CD14 targets Complement Receptor 3 to lipid rafts during phagocytosis of Borrelia burgdorferi. International Journal of Biological Sciences. 20:803-810.
Your research topics:
interactions host-pathogen
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