Michael Szardenings
Michael Szardenings
Fraunhofer IZI
Perlickstr. 1
04103 Leipzig
GermanyPhone number:
+49 341 35536 2805
Url of your web site:
Other research topics:
We can map the entire antibody immune response of a patient applying novel peptide phage display libraries in combination with Next Generation Sequencing within a few days.
Other methods/technologies:
Epitope fingerprinting (mapping) of antibodies with novel approaches based on thousands of sequence motif variants.
Mapping the entire immunome directly with sera
Suggestions for potential research cooperations:
- Investigations on the time resolved development of immune responses to pathogens in patients to understand the mechanism of infection and optimisation of individual treatment based on the health status of patients.
- Monitoring individual response to vaccination
- Identification of peptide epitopes for array diagnostics and alike
- Identification of novel Biomarkers
Your research topics:
interactions host-pathogen
Special methods/technologies:
Molecular Biology