INRA Centre Val de Loire
UMR1282 Infectiologie et Santé Publique
37380 Nouzilly
FranceUrl of your web site:
Other research topics:
Leukocyte biology, Inflammation, Bacterial and viral diseases in poultry, Poultry/Chicken immunology, Lipid Mediators, Vascular mediators.
Other methods/technologies:
In vivo models of infection, Cell culture, Flow cytometry, Lipidomics.
Suggestions for potential research cooperations:
Develop knwoledge on chicken inflammatory response to pathogens, mostly bacteria. Focus on early mediators on inflammation, with a great interest on lipids and vascular mediators. Sterile inflammation and resolution of inflammation are also of great interest (i.e. DNA sensing). Macrophage function and phenotype in chicken lung mucosa is a priority. Improve knowledge on chicken viral infection/bacteria superinfection: Type I Interferons, macrophage function and disease outcome.
Any further information you consider relevant:
Our research group is interested in understanding the pathogenesis of avian colibacillosis and identify means of fighting this most common bacterial infectious disease in the poultry industry. The team's goals are: 1) To characterize avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC); 2) To decipher the biology of APEC in the upper and lower respiratory tract (trachea, air sacs and lung); 3) To identify how E. coli reaches the bloodstream and causes fibrinous inflammation in other organs such as heart and liver; and 4) To characterize the immune response of the host to infection by APEC by identifying key elements of innate immune responses (leukocytes, cytokines and lipid mediators). The group then developed in vivo models of APEC infection in birds. Moreover, the PCA team has gained expertise in studying the pathogen (molecular epidemiology, characterization of bacterial factors involved in virulence, colonization and spreading) and the host (analysis of cellular targets, mechanism of bacterium entry into host cells and its innate immune response). The research performed by team PCA aims to provide better diagnosis of APEC strains, to identify new virulence factors that could represent potential therapeutic targets and to propose alternative strategies to fight bacterial pathogens such as vaccination or anti-inflammatory drugs.
Your research topics:
interactions host-pathogen
Organism studied by your group:
Special methods/technologies:
Molecular Biology