Ron Goldstein
Ron Goldstein
Bar-Ilan University
Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences
52900 Ramat-Gan
IsraelUrl of your web site:
Other research topics:
biology of viral infection of human neurons
generation of human neurons from embryonic stem cells
Other methods/technologies:
live imaging of axonal transport of genetically marked viruses
Suggestions for potential research cooperations:
generation of human neurons and infection with neurotropic viruses with subsequent live imaging, generation of mRNA, micRNA etc.
Any further information you consider relevant:
We have been making human neurons from embryonic stem cells for more than a decade and have used them to study human herpes virus and other viral infections as well as axon regeneration after injury.
Your research topics:
interactions host-pathogen
interactions pathogen-pathogen
Organism studied by your group:
Special methods/technologies: