Wojciech Filipiak
Wojciech Filipiak
Leopold Franzens University of Innsbruck
Innrain 66
A-6020 Innsbruck
AustriaPhone number:
+43 512 504-27783
Fax Number:
+43 512 504-24683
Url of your web site:
Other research topics:
non-invasive diagnosis of bacterial/fungal infections,
exhaled breath analysis.
Other organisms:
in other projects: lung cancer cell lines, tumor tissues
Other methods/technologies:
GC-TOF-MS : Gas Chromatography - Time of Flight - Mass Spectrometry
with sample preconcentration techniques: SPME (Solid Phase Microextraction) ; NTME (Needle Trapm Microextraction), SPE (Solid Phase Extraction = multibed sorption tubes).
PTR-TOF-MS : Proton Transfer Reaction - Time of Flight - Mass Spectrometry
Suggestions for potential research cooperations:
Current is research focused on non-invasive diagnosis of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in intensive care patients by means of exhaled breath analysis. However, other (infectious) diseases are also in the field of interest (e.g. cystic fibrosis, COPD)
Any further information you consider relevant:
Apart from the off-line (GC-MS, GC-TOF-MS) and real-time (PTR-MS, PTR-TOF-MS) techniques used for breath analysis, also the in vitro experiemnts with pathogenic bacteria and fungi culters (if neccessary also cancer cell lines) as well as clinical studies can be performed in our laboratory (in cooperation with Innsbruck University Hospital "Tirol Kliniken").
Your research topics:
interactions host-pathogen
interactions pathogen-pathogen
Organism studied by your group:
Special methods/technologies: